A Little About Ann

Growing up, I wanted nothing more than to be a wife and mother. And now, I am a wife and a mother (and almost an empty nester!). Yes, I have achieved what I thought I always wanted. But the awesome thing about God is that He is not limited to our tiny dreams.

You see, I’m not just a wife and a mother. I am a preacher’s wife; a natural-born teacher’s wife; a scholar’s wife; the wife of the most amazing man alive. I am wrapping up my time as a homeschooling mother; a stay-at-home mother (if you can call it that!); a work-at-home mother (something I never imagined!).

But God did not stop there. He opened doors allowing me to minister to teens, fellow ministers’ wives, and fellow homeschoolers. Then He opened even more doors allowing me to write in multiple arenas.

Yes, I am privileged to fill all of those roles. But, above all, God has allowed me to be a woman who is learning. I am learning my passions and dreams. And I hope I’m learning more and more how to submit everything that I am to the lordship of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I am blessed to be able to write about my journey through this earthly life. It amazes me that people want to walk the journey with me by reading what I write. This is how I process what God teaches me – by sharing it with you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for journeying with me. Feel free to hang out and chat. I’d love to get to know you and learn about your journey, too!


6 thoughts on “A Little About Ann

  1. Hi Ann, you caught my attention when you wrote the article for the ABN about the CP. I am also a pastor’s wife of a small church. I liked what you had to say so I visited your blog. Keep up the good work!


  2. You are an amazingly gifted writer — the reason being the fact that you rely on the Lord. The same goes for Bro. Doug. You are an awesome couple. Everyone, young and old, can learn from you.
    Kay Worbington


  3. I just finished your article “No Longer Grasping ” in Family magazine. It seems that you are hinting that God may be telling people to quit homeschooling. This seems like an odd article to find in a homeschool magazine. I read homeschool magazines to be encouraged in my journey. Can you clarify your intentions?


    1. Hi, Angie! Thanks for stopping by! And, your question is a very good and valid one. It does sound a little odd, doesn’t it, for a homeschool magazine to possibly tell moms to reconsider their commitment to homeschooling? Actually, there’s a very good reason for that. Homeschooling is like anything else. We can become more connected to commitment to a task or way of life than to the Savior who led us into that commitment. My intention in the article was to drive readers back to a communion with the Lord Himself that guides every step of our path, not a commitment to a specific task.

      I know that’s a very brief answer, but since I haven’t posted the article on my blog yet, I wanted to keep the discussion here very simple. Look for an e-mail shortly with a fuller response.

      Thanks again for stopping by to comment!


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